tinyML Vision Challenge at Hackster

tinyML Foundation is conducting an open contest on Machine Learning and Computer Vision in collaboration with Hackster.io
Source: Hackster

tinyML Foundation has launched their first worldwide open contest in collaboration with Hackster. The challenge is to design and build applications with machine learning and machine vision capabilities. tinyML is a set of machine learning technologies specifically designed to run on low power microcontrollers. Such solutions are usually deployed at the edge, collecting data and helping in decision making.

The organizers are not specific about the hardware paltform to use, and thus you can use any hardware that supports tinyML. Some of these include OpenMV Cam H7Arduino Portenta Vision ShieldHimax WE-I PlusArducam Pico4ML, and Raspberry Pi.

OpenMV Cam. Photo by Adafruit
Arducam Pico4ML. Source: Arducam

The suggested application spectrums are,

  1. Predictive Maintenance
  2. Industrial Automation
  3. Wildlife Monitoring
  4. Retail and Grocery
  5. Disease Detection
  6. Safety and Security
  7. Automotive
  8. Wellness and Fitness
  9. Aerospace
Official contest video

The prizes are $3000 for first place, $2000 for second and $1000 for the third. Participants have to complete the project and document is before August 20, 2021 at 12:00AM PT and winners will be announced on Sep 1, 2021.


  1. tinyML
  2. OpenMV Cam H7
  3. Arduino Portenta Vision Shield
  4. Himax WE-I Plus
  5. Arducam Pico4ML
  6. Raspberry Pi
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Vishnu Mohanan

Vishnu Mohanan

Founder and CEO at CIRCUITSTATE Electronics

Articles: 97

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